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Additive | Masonry Mortar

Mason Lime
Hydrated Lime



Empire Blended Products, Inc.
250 Hickory Lane C Bayville, NJ  08721
(732) 269-4949 C Fax (732) 269-0497


MASON LIME, when combined with Portland Cement and sand, produces an excellent, consistent and economical mortar for laying every type of masonry unit.  The resulting masonry mortar will excel in workability, balanced strength, maximum bonding and weather resistance for more durable construction.  MASON LIME, with its high affinity for moisture, is unequaled in its ability to dry up saturated soil quickly.   It can then be readily compacted, forming a working table that will be unaffected by subsequent rains, allowing construction projects to proceed without delay.


  • To produce masonry mortar for any type of masonry unit when combined with Portland Cement and sand
  • Soil stabilization, drying up mud quickly and permanently


In Masonry Mortar 

  • Makes a smooth mix which spreads easily under a trowel
  • Thick mix produced minimizes waste from droppings
  • Exhibits exceptional strength
  • Strong, tight bond results which ensures against leaky masonry
  • High water retention
  • Resists shrinkage and loss of bond
  • Has excellent freeze-thaw resistance
  • Minimizes efflorescence by resisting the release of any water soluble salts
  • Facilitates pumping without cutting back sand or increasing water
In Soil Stabilization
  • Dries up mud quickly
  • Soil will be unaffected by subsequent rains
  • Allows work to proceed, minimizing downtime
  • Economical to use
  • Can stabilize and strengthen road subgrades making it part of the permanent design

Surface Preparation: 
When used as a masonry mortar, surfaces must be structurally sound, clean and free of dust, dirt, oils, paint and all other contaminants that will prevent proper bond.  Highly absorbent masonry units should be moistened (not soaked) before laying.

The mortar should be mixed in a mechanical mortar mixer with sufficient water added for desired consistency.  For best workability, a mixing time of 3 minutes is recommended.  Portland Cement should conform to ASTM C150 for Types I or II.  Sand should conform to ASTM C144.

Placement:                             Masonry Mortar
Lay mortar in a uniform bed without furrows and completely fill joints between units.

Placement:                             Soil Stabilization
Spread MASON LIME over area to be treated.  Let set for 1 to 6 hours to permit the lime to blot up excess water.  Mix the MASON LIME and mud to a depth of 6 inches by mechanical means such as a tractor-drawn disc harrow. Make several passes until the soil is dry enough for compaction.  Perform initial compaction with a sheep foot roller, followed by a pneumatic-tire or flat wheel roller.

When used as a masonry mortar, damp curing is generally recommended.

One 50 pound bag of MASON LIME will yield 1 cubic foot.  For soil stabilization, most applications require 2% to 4% of MASON LIME (based on the dry weight of soil), depending on degree of wetness.  This is about 1 to 2 pounds per square foot for 6 inches of compacted depth.

Available in 50 pound multiwall paper bags with moisture barrier.



Type M Mortar (2,500 psi - 28 days): 
Mix 1 bag of Portland Cement, 3 bag MASON LIME and 3: cubic feet of sand.

Type S Mortar (1,800 psi - 28 days): 
Mix 1 bag Portland Cement, 2 bag MASON LIME and 42 cubic feet of sand.

Type N Mortar (750 psi - 28 days): 
Mix 1 bag Portland Cement, 1 bag MASON LIME and 6 cubic feet of sand.

Type O Mortar (350 psi - 28 days): 
Mix 1 bag Portland Cement, 22 bags MASON LIME and 9 cubic feet of sand.



MASON LIME exceeds ASTM C207 and Federal Specifications SS-L-351B, Type M.


Do not apply masonry mortar to frozen surfaces or it temperature will fall below 40EF within 24 hours.


Contains Lime CAS #1305-62-0.  May cause irritation of the eyes, skin or respiratory tract.  Avoid creating excessive dust levels.  Use with adequate ventilation.  Avoid contact with skin where possible and wash exposed areas promptly with water.  If any product gets into the eye, rinse immediately and repeatedly with water and seek prompt medical attention.  If ingested, do not induce vomiting and get prompt medical attention.  If dust levels are excessive, tight fitting goggles, rubber gloves, long sleeve clothing, pants tucked into boots and NIOSH approved respiratory protection are recommended.  Keep Out Of Reach Of Children.


Due to the use of this product beyond our control, we assume no liability for damages of any kind, and the user accepts the product "as is" and without warranties, expressed or implied, from either Empire Blended Products or its agents.  The suitability of the product for an intended use shall be solely up to the user.  Our only obligation shall be to replace or pay for any material proved defective, with our liability limited to the purchase price of materials supplied by us.  


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250 Hickory Lane, Bayville, NJ 08721
Phone: 732-269-4949 | Fax: 732-269-0497

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